No motivation..
A bit of myself today. Lately i have no motivation at work. Feel like doing the same things over and over again for years. Pagi2 rasa malas je nak pergi kerja. Now i just doing what i suppose to do and that's it. No more R&D or thinking about how to improve myself. Luckily i have to do it in .NET. At least i've learn something new eventhough i'm still in the beginning stage.
Apart from my work, everything is fine here. The environment, my colleague and extra activities is fun and interesting. Sometime feel like i want to quit working and take a break for some time. Do whatever that make me happy and then find a new job or maybe find a different new job. Actually i also have a little problem here regarding my work and it will determine my future in this company but just forget about it for this time. I think i have a little problem about myself.
Now a lot of alternative plan is in my head... :)
Apart from my work, everything is fine here. The environment, my colleague and extra activities is fun and interesting. Sometime feel like i want to quit working and take a break for some time. Do whatever that make me happy and then find a new job or maybe find a different new job. Actually i also have a little problem here regarding my work and it will determine my future in this company but just forget about it for this time. I think i have a little problem about myself.
Now a lot of alternative plan is in my head... :)
baru rasa ker...aku dari dulu lagi...tapi..ontah la...
minggu bosan sedunia
boleh berjangkit rupanya ye "penyakit" nih...
sabar bro.. have a good plan..
ada minik nak tanggung tuh...
tak lama lagi anak plak.. kui! :)
hehe dah lama dah ada penyakit nie.. cuma akhir2 ni makin menjadi2..
jom bistro ... kan sen ?
lek bro.. agak2 bosan ngan problem contact gua...aku pun weekdays tak de xtvt sgt... leh layan2 minum sambil sembang problem... kot2 laa dlm gelak masa minum leh dpt idea best utk solve problem... nak best lagi.. jom laa layan bistro tiap hari rabu malam... masterji gunx leh bantu bab2 rohaniah.. hehehhee
bistro tu mcm week kalau takde aral, nak gak join. jom bayam n frenz.
e cehh.. rohaniah la pulak ...
kat mana tuh?
menarik gak nak join..
ada sesapa nak join badminton ahad nih?
dari pukul 6 - 8.30 pm..
kat stadium badminton cheras..
kenapa time maghrib?
errrr.... huuuu... errrr...
badminton tu macam menarik...geng mana tu
cehh cikli time gorib laju jer..
bistro? no problem at all..
korang kalau lepak sms la aku..
ni diam je mana wa nak tau..
p/s: jgn la dah smp sana baru sms.. lain le masa aku duk kelaput dulu.. sms la time ptg tu.. hehe..
bayam the problem boy..
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