Quote of the day
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't
want, to impress people they don't like"
Will Rogers
Hmm memang kena ngan batang idung wa sendri... Sad but true.. In my case aku lebih kepada 1st argument tu.. Pasal suka spend over barang2 yg agak costly dan kadang2 aku zerass kan ajer.. hehe..
2nd argument tu kadang2 happens la... Go to shopping complex to search for something else but end up with something else that is not really important to buy at that time.. hehehe
But the last argument tu aku rasa tak apply kat aku sangat.. Pasal aku beli something not to impress ppl.. Kalau aku layan benda2 mewah pun just to fulfill myself.. Cthnya kalau beli speaker cable or sound system.. Sapa yg tau kan.. Letak pun kat dalam bilik kat umah.. Bukan kat ruang tamu pun hehe.. And only certain ppl in AV world yg actually know the thing (price) and can appreciate benda tu.. So in my case (i think la) I've not spend money to impress ppl...
But i think we should look at these nice words and think... Try to figure out whether we are doing the same things... Maybe we should think twice next time before we use our cool credit cards in the future...
betul ke tak impress orang?
tu dah citer kat blog tu.. sumer orang dah tau..
fuiiyyyooo... bayam kaya siut..
maaf, kepoyoan sikit.. kui!
hahahaha ye ke...?
kui ikut nawaitu masing2 la ekkk
eheh..smalam baru je nak beli t-shirt baru. tp pikir²..ahh..t-shirt lama ok lagi..baik beli susu anak aku..eheheh
good info beb... gua pun byk boros sblm nie... hehehe.. mmg berangan nak beli mcm2... bila pk sekali lagi.. terus tak jadi.. hasilnya.. pakaian semua lusuh..hp pun zaman primitive... skrin cover hp pun dah pecah.. leh jer pakai... ahh padulik janji leh guna
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bayam mmg suka pakai barang mahal
mana ada .. kemeja aku pakai hari ni RM 14.90 jer.. :) hehe
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