Busy & Busy
Lately very the busy with all of the things... Work + Preparation + Searching for house to rent can make me crazy..
So i dedicate this song for me and for all my friends who read this lousy blog!!...
Be happy...
So i dedicate this song for me and for all my friends who read this lousy blog!!...
Be happy...
Are you happy?
Are you lonely?
you like to go out with me
And turn the heat up on those scums
Singing love songs
When the world gone wrong
They're dancing on
till dawn
Lets screw their world!
Cause they told me,
everything's alright"
And they want me,
"Stay deaf, dumb and blind"
But there,
Lives a man upon the streets,
With boxes and no meals
And there,
Sits a mom with can in hand,
She's singing at my feet
Should I,
Shut my eyes,
Blind out their cries,
And leave them
'pon their knees
As this world goes round
With dollars and pounds
The rich, the strong
The mighty
jemapohhhhhhhhhhh.......bodohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!
lousynya blog nih...
wahai empunya blog yang lousy..
carilah rumah sewa di gombak... kui!
very der busy jugak ya? seswatuh lah awak nih ... koser!
kinrara tak brani ke? leh berjiran dgn sede. eheh
puchong pun ok. buleh gi driving range puchong plak..kui
gombak..? ieee tak koser!...
kota damansara & kinrara dlm aim sekarang nie.. tak pun duk je kelaput cam besa.. hehehehe.. mie bleh buat apa.. :)
dok area rumah lama aku tu pun ok gak per
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