Awas kawan2

Tadi baru je dapat email ni, kononnya dari security@maybank2u.. sekarang nie phising semakin menjadi2.. so be carefull ya guys.. Gambar di atas ialah page yg akan kelihatan jika anda click link yg ada kat no 4 tu... Link di no 1 adalah website sebenar maybank2u manakala link di no 4 adalah yang palsu..
Dear maybank2u customer,
We are hereby notifying you that we've recently suffered a DDos-Attack on one of our's Internet Banking server. For security reasons you must complete the next steps to verify the integrity of your maybank2u account. If you fail to complete the verification in the next 24 hours your account will be suspended.
Here's how to get started:
1. Log in to maybank2u online account (click here).
2. You must request for TAC online via maybank2u - your TAC will be sent via SMS to the mobile phone number you registered at the ATM.
( you can find the "request a TAC" button in the right menu of your account "Utilities" )3. Logout from your account and close the browser.
4. When you have received the TAC (Transaction Authorization Code) on your mobile phone, Log in to our secured verification server and submit the requested information(Account user ID, password and TAC).CLICK HERE to go on our secured server.
5. Please allow 48 hours for processing.
Please comply and thanks for understanding.
© 2009 maybank2u
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